Similar words: accounting information system, marketing information, accounting income, accounting equation, amount of information, national income accounting, Management Information System, management information systems.
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61. Accounting information, as a kind of special goods, has function in optimizing resource distribution, promoting accounting technology progress and accounting transaction management.
62. Thus, accounting regulations with high quality is not equal to high - leveled accounting information.
63. Financial Report is a key document of the accounting work. It is also an accounting document of the greatest interest to relevant users of accounting information.
64. Group of internal users includes managers, employees,[] and unions that show interest in accounting information due to their direct concern in successfulness of a business.
65. High quality accounting information can promote capital market to be more effective.
66. At present, accounting information lacking fidelity is stillthe outstanding problem in accountancy.
67. The disclosure of forestry accounting information is the main and basic problem of forestry accounting.
68. The author proposed the theory framework of cross enterprise pan - accounting information system.
69. The decision to carry out the reservation for capital loss is advantageous to improve accounting information quality, but there still exist some problems.
70. Generally, fair value accounting information is more relevant and less reliable than historical cost accounting information.
71. The influence of the competence of accounting personnel on the effective use of accounting information is also discussed.
72. It is thus suggested to adopt "conditional capitalized method" for settlement so that the real accounting information is reflected.
73. This text has explained the reason accounting information is distorted, and has put forward corresponding suggestion and countermeasure distortedly in preventing accounting information.
74. It is of significant importance to provide high quality accounting information for stockholders.
75. Releasing accounting information besides financial report is the main channel for users of accounting report to understand comprehensively accounting body's financial information.
76. Audit opinion can increase the value of accounting information, moreover, audit is paid service so that CPA's firms and auditors have economic attribute.
77. The effective transmission of accounting information makes important influence on realization of the resource distribution function of capital market.
78. Accounting information is the evidence of economic decision between the nation, investors and debtee.
79. The author believes that the ongoing pursuit of high-quality accounting information is the root for development of accounting for business combination.
80. In reality, however, the authenticity of accounting information is often doubtable.
81. Accounting Information System Design.
82. However, high - quality accounting standards can always produce high - quality accounting information.
83. The right anchoring of accounting objective underlines the provision of high quality accounting information.
84. Analytical review run through all the auditing courses, It is a full course method of judging accounting information quality.
85. In the third chapter, I discuss the content of accounting information system auditing, breadthwise and lengthways, that is inside control's auditing and system development life cycle's auditing.
86. Hereinto, the limitation of the information disclosure system leads improving the quality of accounting information difficultly, and restricts the development of the security market healthy.
87. The different choices of accounting policy, produce different accounting information, further generate different benefits distribution patterns.
88. As the data and information primary storage mode, the security of the database is an important part of accounting information system.
89. Accounting regulations in capital markets play an important role in restricting accounting checking action of listed company and improving the quality of listed companys' accounting information.
90. As the cutting point of environmental accounting study, the enterprise environmental accounting information disclosure attracts our attention.
More similar words: accounting information system, marketing information, accounting income, accounting equation, amount of information, national income accounting, Management Information System, management information systems, essential information, quantity of information, accounting, information gathering, accounting profession, information, accrual accounting, confidential information, tax accounting, information processing, new information, informational, accounting data, accounting year, cost accounting, accounting firm, accounting cost, disinformation, information age, misinformation, accounting books, accounting period.